«The natural state of a start-up is to die; most start-ups require multiple miracles in their early days to escape this fate. But the density and breadth of the Silicon Valley network does sometimes let start-ups cheat death».
«Igual que Google o Facebook, en los próximos años surgirán compañías que transformarán nuestras vidas. Y lo harán en sectores con futuro en los que aún no ha aparecido la empresa rompedora y revolucionaria».
«El reciente anuncio de la Mobile World Capital de atraer a las principales aceleradoras europeas a Barcelona y el hecho que cada vez más empresas no-tecnológicas (Las empresas no tecnológicas también apuestan por las startups) muestra claramente que el fenómeno de las incubadoras y aceleradoras no es una moda».
«Whether it’s our humdrum reliance on supermarket self-service tills, Siri on our iPhones, the emergence of the drone as a weapon of choice or the impending arrival of the driverless car, intelligent machines are woven into our lives as never before».
I have had a front row seat as companies have struggled to enter the emerging world of the Internet of Things — first, 10 years ago as a vice president at Ambient Devices, an MIT Media Lab spinoff that was a pioneer in commercializing IoT devices, and then as a consultant.
«You will find 17 tools that will help you test various features of your app and obtain real-time feedback.
The tools will help you discover where your users are struggling and, thus, how to improve your app.
Let’s get started!»
«This summer, The New York Times pulled the curtain back on Apple Computer’s “University” secretive training program for internal employees. The primary reveal was a surprising devotion to Pablo Picasso».
«We’ve all been there.
Your marketing campaign is ready to launch, your landing page is up and your sales funnel is locked down tight. You’ve got everything you need, minus one thing: customers».
«Después de años viviendo desde dentro –y ahora desde fuera– el mundo de la comunicación, no dejo de caer en mi asombro ante la falta de visión del sector de publicitario, de los medios y sobretodo de los anunciantes frente al fenómeno digital. El corto placismo y la falta de entendimiento les lleva inexorablemente a su propio descrédito como actores relevantes dentro de Internet».
«So. You think you’ve got yourself a good blog post.
You chose your writing style. You knocked out the first draft. You allowed it to sit for an hour or a day.
Now it’s time to edit that bad dog — ruthlessly. So that it has a fighting chance in the trenches».
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