Learnability Test
How adept is your team when it comes to learning?
In a volatile world such as ours, where technological innovations and job opportunities are constantly changing, it is critical to be curious and learn in order to evolve professionally at the same speed.
By examining your team's motivation and knowledge of how to maximise the learning that comes with professional life, you can assess their capacity for learning.

Measurement Areas
This test questions are designed to analyse aspects related to people's ability to learn.
Motivation to Learn
Identification of topics to be further explored
Ability to learn
Learning Commitment
Identification of the learning system
About the Benchmark
These is the data from our benchmark Learnability test that we use to make a comparisons.
Average grade out of 10
Check out the test
The test consists of 20 simple questions to see how your team learns and determine whether they have an effective learning system, allowing them to maximise the benefits of the training and knowledge they receive.